Batch Genesis Final Result: Carboneo, Aquaverse, Pyxo and Revolte are community selected, the two last will immediately start pre-funding support!

3 min readJun 17, 2022


After a fantastic governance phase, the community selected 4 projects: Aquaverse, Carboneo, Pyxo, and Revolte. They have all reached the necessary thresholds (10% of the voters, 10% of the voting tickets) during this very tight voting session, with more than 210,000 voting tickets on the ballots and a 65% participation rate. A round of applause for the 10 projects that all amazed us last month.

The community’s voice has been heard in selecting projects that will build tomorrow’s world. The 4 projects will thus get Cardashift support, but each at a different pace.

To keep best-in-class support with Cardashift’s current resources, we decided to start an immediate and intensive pre-funding support with only 2 projects and follow up on the two others, to help them reach additional requirements to be prepared at the best for an IDO (see below).

The Cardashift team discussed extensively with the 4 projects and studied in depth the suitability of each elected project for short-term fundraising on the following criteria:

  • Business and product maturity
  • Community support
  • Time before the project has a concrete measurable impact
  • Blockchain use cases’ potential for their business model

As of today, Pyxo and Revolte will benefit from pre-funding support for 2 months by our core team. The main objective is to prepare them for upcoming fundraising!

What is this immediate pre-funding support about?

  • Designing their roadmap and especially on impact criteria
  • Finding the best tokenization model to create their token, which will fuel their entire business
  • Creating their early-adopters community who will support the project from the beginning

This pre-funding support will logically be followed by fundraising and an acceleration process. To be as transparent as possible, we will provide you as many details as possible during the entire process.

Fantastic support from our community also acclaimed Aquaverse and Carboneo!

After discussions and mutual agreement, we decided to delay the Cardashift support regarding our capacities, until they meet specific additional requirements (R&D achievements, reduced time to impact, business viability, market studies, …).

To help tackle specific areas, Cardashift will provide weekly on-demand office hours with its core team and ecosystem experts.

We expect to give further information as soon as we can. They are our alumni, and we want to follow and facilitate their progress!

We would like to give a tremendous shout-out to all other participating projects of Batch Genesis: Asilimia, HelloSavanna, Jua, Mayyan, Welcome.Place and Yeasty. Gratitude for everything.

These projects have stunned us with their qualities and achievements during the selection process. They remain an integral part of our growing community of Cardashift Alumni. They will benefit from the synergies of our ecosystem and perks, like on-demand monthly office hours with the Cardashift core team and special advisory.

As this first community governance phase just ended, we would be pleased to have your opinion about it. You are warmly welcomed to give us any feedback! Drop us an email at or in the #suggestion channel on our discord.

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Written by erable°

erable° is a unique investment platform for funding the ecological transition, making investing in this transition accessible to retail investors.

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