Launchpad Timeline of our First Batch

3 min readApr 26, 2022

After more than 250+ applications for the Cardashift Launchpad and a fantastic screening process made by our team, it’s your turn to participate in this selection!

While the release of the launchpad is imminent, we are unveiling the key milestones of this first batch of candidate projects for IDOs.

Phase 1: Registration (detailed article here)
Phase 2: Voting (detailed article here)
Phase 3: Tallying (detailed article to come…)

Phase 1: Launchpad goes live and the registration phase begins three weeks

The most promising projects among the 250+ applications received will be revealed and featured on the launchpad!

On the day of the reveal, it will be your turn to register on our launchpad. During this three-week period, daily snapshots of your wallet will be taken to see how many CLAPS you own.

You will be rewarded at ~30% APR over the holding period from the time you registered. The sooner you register, the more you’ll be rewarded ! 🎉

We will write an explanatory article about the details of the registration process.

You will have the opportunity to get an in-depth review of the core values of each project during multiple upcoming events.

Every evening for a full week, we will organize AMAs with each project to understand their activity and the stakes that arise from it. The day before each AMA, we will publish our ‘Spotlight on Impact’ report written by our Impact Team on each candidate. Hopefully, this will help you identify the impact each project could have and raise questions for the upcoming AMA.

If you desire to chat with other passionate individuals or if you still have questions after this ‘discovery’ period, don’t worry! Channels dedicated to each project will be available on our official Discord from the beginning of this phase. Don’t hesitate to join us and discuss with the founders of your favorite projects.

Activities and events during this first phase are set up to give you the necessary knowledge to vote. Please note that registration will close on at the end of this three-week period.

Phase 2: Voting phase — six days

The day after the registration period ends, each CLAP holder who registered will be given a number of tickets to vote. This amount will be calculated as follows:

Please note that you’ll only be able to vote for a maximum of 4 different projects and that your chance to get whitelisted is higher if the vote on a winning project is allocated in the first 48 hours of this phase. ✌️

To learn more about our calculation method, voting processes and whitelist allocation, we’ll write explanatory articles on this subject.

Phase 3: Results five days maximum

In order to be selected, a project has to get at least 10% of the number of voters and 10% of the total number of voting tickets. However, this method of calculation could lead to more than 2 projects being selected. If this happens, we would need some time to re-adjust and refine the selection to two projects only.

The final result of the two chosen projects will be announced on the last day of the tallying phase.

Before the IDO, the chosen projects will enter the pre-funding phase and the IDO campaign, which will be closed at the end of September. After this period, we will launch the second batch of our launchpad.

About Cardashift

Cardashift is a community-run launchpad that raises funds, builds, and accelerates startups that are solving social and environmental issues. Cardashift is based on Cardano, the blockchain platform for change-makers, innovators, and visionaries.

Follow us on Discord & share your opinion! 🔥

You can also follow us on Twitter and learn more about us on our Website.⚡️




Written by erable°

erable° is a unique investment platform for funding the ecological transition, making investing in this transition accessible to retail investors.

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